They say everything old becomes new again...
without a doubt that's what happens around here! :)
Antique and vintage ephemera* and embellishments are incorporated into
every one of my fun-to-create mixed media projects!
     Folk Artist Lorrie Weber has always delighted in creating works which convey feelings of warmth and love in a soft vintage style.  With subjects ranging from  primitives to florals, folk landscapes to seasonal whimsy-
she paints the things that speak to the heart! 

     Now you can enjoy her artwork in a variety of ways, from books and packets designed for the decorative painter to scrapbooking designs inspired by her children...even personal checks and notecards!

Live ZOOM workshops

"Bird Song"

"Heart Sampler"


*Ephemera - /əˈfem(ə)rə/ - noun /
a class of collectable items not  originally intended to last for more than a short time, such as tickets, posters, postcards, or labels

Join my FREE facebook group
for sneak peeks of new designs,
free projects, printables,
challenges and more!
Joyful Heart Studio
{Creative Art Workshop}


Let's hang out!

Facebook: Joyful Heart Studio
YouTube: @joyfulheartstudio